
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:38:19
对于电力系统自动化领域,组态软件以其图形功能完备、模块统一、易学易用的优势已获得相当广泛的应用,而通过对变电站各设备的实时自动监控,可实现变电站的无人值守、减员增效。利用 “组态王”开发软件对变电站实时监控系统进行界面设计和数据显示动画连接,开发出一个能够良好运行的小型变电站实时监控系统。

(1) 变电站的主接线图:单母线分段带旁路母线
(2) 主接线图中,与各开关和负载等相联系的变量
(3) 画出一系列根据变量的数值及其变化范围的图形,比如实时曲线,报警画面,历史数据等。
(4) 编写相应的命令语言。


Substation real-time monitoring system configuration design
The power system automation, configuration software for its comprehensive graphics capabilities, unified module, easy to learn and use the advantage has been a wide range of applications, and through the substation on the real-time automatic monitoring equipment, can achieve the unmanned substation, by attrition Validity. Use "Kingview" substation on the development of software for real-time monitoring system interface design and animation data connections, can develop a good running small substation real-time monitoring system.

I substation real-time monitoring system using a software-configuration design, design elements include:
(1) the main substation wiring diagram: Sub-Bus with bus bypass
(2) the main wiring diagram, with the switch and load, and other variables linked to
(3) painted a series based on the numerical variables and changes in the scope of graphics, such as re