
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 07:24:00
读了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》后,我心潮起伏,这是一部具有鲜民主义倾象的作品,激发了美国的南北战争。它记载了忠厚、善良的汤姆被主任卖来卖去,采取不抵抗主义,最终被害身亡和勇敢不屈的乔治与妻子伊丽沙不堪被命运辱没与白人作斗争,逃到加拿大,获得自由的路程。书中的人有的可恶,有的善良。我讨厌奴贩子海利,他不把黑人当人看,而是把他们当作一件物品玩弄过就把他卖掉;讨厌谢尔贝,他为了还债,把善良的汤姆卖掉,他是答应过汤姆给汤姆自由的;讨厌黑奴制,因为他夺去了黑人自由,让他们有了一种奴性。 我喜欢伊丽沙,因为她得知谢尔贝要把自己的孩子哈利卖掉时,不顾性命,拼死保护哈利,她是一个伟大的母亲;喜欢乔治,因为他勇敢不屈,和白人作斗争,最终逃到加拿大,获得了自由;喜欢爱米丽,因为谢尔贝要卖哈利时,她宁可卖自己的孩子,也不愿卖可怜的哈利,
在白人眼里,黑奴是一件玩意儿,玩得好玩就留下来,玩得不好玩就把他们卖掉,换取钱财。黑人们的自由和自尊都被他们给毁了。 我想如果我有权利的话,我会判他们终生坐牢,尝尝苦头!


就说一句,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》应为"Uncle Tom's Cabin"

After reading "the Uncle tom Hut", my surging emotions fluctuation, this is one has the fresh people principle to lean the alike work, stimulated US's Civil War. It recorded uprightly, good Tom to sell by director sells, did not adopt the policy of nonresistance, was killed finally dies is unable to withstand with brave unyielding George and the wife Iraq Li sand by the destiny is brought disgrace on with the Caucasian does the struggle, ran away Canada, obtained the free distance. In book person some are hateful, some are good. I dislike slave peddler Hayley, he not black, when the human looked, but treats as them goods to play with has sold out him; Repugnant Scherr shell, he to repay a debt, sells out good Tom, he promises Tom to give Tom to be free; Repugnant black slave system, because he took away the black to be free, let them have one kind of servility. I like the Iraqi Li sand, beca