
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 14:00:39
本论文首先介绍了本课题的背景环境以及设计的主要任务。之后我们首先对所要用到的工具软件进行了简单的介绍,包括数据库软件ACCESS 2003以及JAVA软件ECLIPSE。在总体设计部分我们对管理软件设计的总体框架和数据库框架进行了说明,并指明我所需要做的框架内容。然后在详细设计部分,首先,我对主界面的设计原理进行了说明。之后,我对我的主要工作内容,书籍借出管理模块,书籍还入管理模块,信息查询模块的设计与编译过程进行了过程分析,以及代码阐述。

The main topic of this work is to develop library management system in two functional subsystems: borrow books in the library during the circulation management and information systems
This paper first introduced the subject of the background environment and the design of the main tasks. After we first have to use the tools to carry out a simple software, including database software ACCESS 2003 and JAVA software ECLIPSE. We are part of the overall design management of the overall framework of software design and database framework for Help, I need to do and to specify the framework. Then some of the detailed design, first of all, I am the main interface design principle was that. , I work on my main content management module lending books, books also into the management module, the information module design and build process for the process of analysis, and on the code.
Key words: Book lending management, the book also management, information
