内陆运输代理协议 翻译 急!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 09:23:05
8. 在装箱过程中,甲乙双方应及时沟通,互相配合,对放空箱回程的车辆按运费额的85%支付乙方运费,另加还箱费______元。
9. 在运输过程中,遇到特殊情况(如迟到、爆胎、堵车、提不到箱子等),司机无法及时到达,乙方则应及时通知甲方,并保证甲方能随时联系上司机本人,能够及时互通信息,解决问题,若司机以虚假方式告知上述特殊原因,而产生货物不能及时装箱延误上船,经查情况属实,甲方有权对乙方进行处罚。
10. 在运输过程中产生的特殊费用,乙方应在3个工作日内,将费用金额明细通知甲方该方核对无误后,支付该费用。
11. 甲方委托乙方拖的箱子如海关投到查验时,需乙方司机配合客户及甲方做好海关查验工作,所有被查验的箱子进港前都需要更换新的铅封进港。新铅封费用由甲方承担,箱子进港后乙方把新的封号告知甲方。
12. 甲方传真装箱委托书到乙方时,应先考虑到1*40HQ货重不能超过25吨,1*20G不能超过18吨,(箱子重量不在内)若个别箱子在双方不详情的情况下装箱超重,如情况属实乙方可凭过磅单向甲方收取超重费用200元。过磅费由甲方承担,客户隐瞒货理实情,甲方车辆在途中由于超重而产生的一切后果由乙方客户承担。??????
13. 海运提单由甲方确认。
14. 付款方式:逐笔支付,甲方应该在海运提单确认后即可安排付款;如果提单签出后仍未付款给乙方,乙方有权扣留B/L,由此产生的问题由甲方承担。
15. 义乌至宁波港口的运费及杂费为:

8. In the process of packing, both A and B should be timely communication, mutual support, emptying bins on the return of the amount of freight vehicles by 85 per cent of freight to pay Party B, plus also for me ______ yuan.
9. In the transport process, have special circumstances (such as being late, the air, traffic jam, fail to mention boxes, etc.), the driver can not reach in time, Party B shall promptly notify the Party and to ensure that the Party can feel free to contact the driver I can timely exchange information and solve problems, if the driver to inform the false special reason, unable to produce the goods packed on board the delay, the investigation in the case, Party A Party B is entitled to be punished.
10. In the transport process of the special costs, B should be three working days, the cost will amount Details of the notice to check correct Party, to cover the costs.
11. Party A Party B by dragging the boxes such as customs inspection invested, to be