
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 13:14:38
内容是"摘 要

关键词:声带 振动 气息 共鸣 训练 保健 "

In this paper, the study is how the vocal concert in the correct use of vibration. Interest is the origin of human singing voice, the vocal cord vibration mode direct impact on the art voice effects. Therefore, in concert skills in a correct understanding and application of vocal vibration is a key issue. For a long time, vocal sector of the vibration of vocal studies involving more, but are trained from the perspective of the issues raised, but not from the vibration of the vocal point of view to understand the nature of the problem. Therefore, the analysis described in this paper targeted manner, from a basic principle, to the atmosphere and the use of resonance chamber, described the state of the campaign-zone, deep-level analysis of vocal concerts in the vibration of the physical, physical, psychological Laws, and ultimately achieving the establishment of a scientific Singing.
Vocal Concert is a strong cross-cutting nature of the integrated arts, from the acoustic music th