
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 05:25:43
由此可见,美国是一个民族宽容、民族和睦的国家,种族歧视从表面上讲,并非十分严重。这同上个世纪六十年代马丁·路德·金发动民权运动以前的情况确有不同。四十年过去了,但是隐形种族歧视依然严重,并且根深蒂固 。

Today, the United States there are many legal provisions, strict prohibition of racial discrimination. For example, the landlord refused to rent the house if the people of color, the tenant can go to court against the company businesses, restaurants, hotels, public places of entertainment, if the discrimination against customers of different colour, will be subject to legal sanctions, including fines, apologize to correct mistakes, such as And so on. The public dissemination of racial discrimination of speech, the American public will not be tolerated. Recently, the United States Senate Republican leaders for the people, why is the former leader Trent Lott, celebrating 100 years old Senator Thurmond birthday party, said: "If Thurmond 1948 election as president, the United States is now the situation will be better . "Thurmond is a racist, was the only election platform is to uphold apartheid policies. Lott praised Thurmond, equivalent to commend the policy of apartheid, wh