
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 11:04:42

摘 要

关键词: 首钢公司;绿化设计;生态景观


Shougang steel rolling plant under the Shougang Corporation, the state-owned large iron and steel enterprises. The landscape design for the plant's green renovation project, follow the principles of plant diversity, effective solution to greening the factory in the planning and design of many problems. Yi pollution in the plant growing number of regional anti-absorption of harmful gases and pollutants Joe shrubs to ensure that workers have a safe and good working environment in the construction of the venues open an exclusive venue for leisure play, and with a pavilion, Block stool , Garden Pieces for the rest Shangjing; choice to plant grass Qiaoguan combination of ecological communities with a small number to the Garden mainly natural style, highlight the ecological, to three quarters of a flower, a Four Seasons King, to create a quiet , And a comfortable working and living space on both sides of the road while the main-profile green belts, neat