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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 07:00:00
西德与丹麦、荷兰在北海大陆架的划界问题上发生了争执。上述国家曾于1964年12月1日签订了《德荷条约》和1965年6有9日签订了《德丹条约》。在这两个条约中确定了彼此间的部分边界线,即从海岸到海面25里至30里外,主要适用等距离原则划出。但他们无法就这些点以外的边界线达成任何协议。因为,西德认为,在习惯国际法中没有等距离原则,而且用这种方法划分北海大陆架疆界对西德来说是极不公平的。由于西德的海岸是凹形的,其海岸线向内弯曲很大,如果按照等距离原则来划分大陆架对它很不利,只能给予它较为狭窄的大陆架区域,面积仅占北海海床的5%,而丹麦和荷是同则分别占10%、 11%。西德声称,等距离原则只有在直线海岸线的情况下才符合这种要求,否则,便属于特殊情况。而丹麦和荷兰则坚持适用等距离原则。1966年三国进行了进一步的谈判而未能使问题获得解决。1967年2月20日,西德分别同丹麦、荷兰签订特别协定,将划分北海大陆架的争端提交国际法院解决。当事国要求国际法院指明应适用的国际法原则和规则,并承诺将按照国际法指明的原则规则来协商划界。

West Germany and Denmark, the Netherlands in the North Sea continental shelf delimitation issue in the dispute. In these countries on December 1, 1964 signed the "Treaty Dutch" in 1965 and six have signed on the 9th "Dedan Treaty." In these two treaties established between the parts of the boundary line, from coast to sea, to 30, 25, the main application of the principle of equidistance draw.But they can not be on these points outside the boundary line to reach any agreement. This is because the Federal Republic of Germany, in customary international law, not the principle of equidistance, but this way of the North Sea continental shelf boundaries of the Federal Republic of Germany is extremely unfair. As the coast of West Germany is concave, and its coastline inward bending much,According to the principle of equidistance of the Continental Shelf it is very negative, can only give it a more narrow area of the continental shelf, seabed area just north of 5 percent