
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:40:43
长三角经济圈的发展已被世人所瞩目,国际资本不断涌入,长三角各城市借助其优越的地理位置、优惠政策和国际制造业中心向中国转移的契机,抢抓机遇,积极利用外资,现已经成为中国最受外商青睐的地区,长三角地区经济高速发展。引进外资不仅能通过资本供给推动经济增长 ,还能带动长江三角洲地区的技术进步和机制转换 ,促进产业结构升级演进。本文通过对长江三角洲地区的外商实际投资额在三个产业以及在行业间的分布的比例进行分析,与全国平均水平进行比较,总结了FDI在长三角地区的产业结构特征,并从正反两方面研究外资对长江三角洲地区产业结构演进的影响,最后对长三角地区两省一市利用外资的政策调整提出了相应的建议。

Yangtze River Delta economic circle has been the development has attracted the attention of the world, the influx of international capital, the Yangtze River Delta cities with its excellent geographical location, preferential policies and international manufacturing centre in China to transfer the opportunity, seize the opportunity and actively use foreign capital, China now has become the most favored by foreign investors, high-speed economic development of the Yangtze River Delta region. Not only to attract foreign investment through the supply of capital to promote economic growth, but also bring along the Yangtze River Delta region of technological progress and conversion mechanism, promote upgrading of the industrial structure evolved. Based on the Yangtze River Delta region of actual foreign investment in three industries, as well as the distribution of the inter-industry analysis of the ratio, and the national average level, summed up the FDI in the Yangtze River Delta region