
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 05:45:38
zhang xiao is a (volunteer) driver who (traveled) from his (hometown) of wuhan, hubei (province), to help the red (cross) team in the (mountain town). i was (deeply touched) by the (foreigners devotion), he said. once, when we got (flat tire) on the way to a (neighboring town),(ina) got out of the car and helped me fix it in the( heavy rain), he said it was nothing, just part of my job, (bluemel )said.

画括号的都是不认识的单词 把这段英文翻译一下 然后 上面扩号的单词 从 1往下排列 前面是翻译 后面是用中文写下怎么读 谢谢了 摆脱

1.volunteer 志愿者
2.traveled 旅游
3.hometown 家乡
4.province 省份
5.cross 十字路口
6.mountain town 山区
7.deeply touched 深深地感动
8.foreigners devotion 外国人的热心
9.flat tire 漏了气的胎
10.neighboring town 邻村
11.ina 应该是人名
12.heavy rain 大雨
13.bluemel 写错吧,应该是brumel姓