
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 06:29:51
摘 要

关键词: 斜拉桥 结合梁 设计 疲劳 辅助墩

In addition to suspension bridge, the long-span cable-stayed bridge generally larger than other forms of bridge and cable-stayed bridge can be adjusted to make the cross-section of the cable control moment reduced to optimize. In recent years due to the rapid development of high-strength steel, making long-span bridges to be increased. Nearly 40 cable-stayed bridge in the world to have been a lot of development, including the distribution of all advanced countries and developing countries.
The design for a 32 +61 +256 +61 +32 m beam cable-stayed bridge with the twin towers. Leung is a combination cable-stayed bridge for the main beam steel structure, the concrete structure of the bridge deck, the deck of the main beam and the combined force of the common cable-stayed bridge. Main beam using cantilever construction. According to other light beam cable-stayed bridge design experience and design specifications drawn up the bridge towers high 72 m, and Tajikistan on