美文Happiness 的翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 23:38:32

Happiness is the art of living, the aim and object of our existence. Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless. With happiness, life immediately becomes fulfilled and wonderful. Happy people keep themselves happy because they know the ways to appreciate themselves and to see the humour and magic in each moment. Those people who take life too seriously may lose their happiness.

Sometimes when we wonder what we are doing or pursuing, it is helpful to just ask, “Well, will this bring me happiness?”. Because the ultimate search of all human beings, the ultimate goal in life is to be happy. We pursue this goal in all manner of ways, whether it be through leisure, careers, wealth, or relationships.

Another good question to ask is “Why do we lose our happiness?” When we pursue limited, superficial or false goals, it is very easy to lose happiness. We expect happiness to come from the outside, from relationships, from food, from possessions,

许多人认为 当他们变得富有且成功时 幸福会自然而然的到来 让我告诉你,事实远非如此 世界上充满了许多富有的人非常痛苦因为他们处于地狱中 我们已读过许多自杀或吸毒的电影明星的故事 显而易见 钱不是所以问题的答案 通过不守信用的首段得到的财富将不能带来幸福 抽奖得来的财富不会带来幸福 赌博得来的财富也不会带来幸福 我认为 幸福的秘密