
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:11:54

摘 要:“马家军阀”是一支活跃在近代西北历史舞台上的地方割据势力,他的出现并非是偶然的,而是清末西北动荡的政局,雄厚的封建地主阶级势力的存在,以及民族,宗教,社会经济衰落造成的。在“马家军阀”统治西北期间,马步芳对青海的治理是一段重要的时期。本文拟从马步芳在青海实施的“新政”这个方面加以论述,以期对马步芳这个近代人物有新的认识。

关键词:马步芳 青海 “新政”

上面的全部是机器翻译,证据:1."军阀"翻译为valve(阀门)2.马家翻译成"马的家族"(horse family)

Abstract: Ma Family Warlord is an active independant regime in modern northwest China's history. The turbulent political situation of Northwest China in late Qing Dynasty, the powerful feudal landlords and the fall of the state, religion and social economy jointly contributes to its occurance, thus it's not an accidental matter. During the rule of Ma Family Warlord in northwest China, it's an important period when Ma Bufang reined Qinghai. The paper, with an analysis of Ma Bufang's "New Policy", expects new cognition to the modern figure of Ma Bufang.
Key words: Ma Bufang; Qinghai; new policy

说明: "新政"一词有不同的翻译法,较固定的为"New Deal",但是该词多指"罗斯福新政".我在这里翻译为"new policy",即新政策,以便与罗斯福新政相区别.


Abstract: "Ma Jiajun valve" is a modern active in the Northwest stage of history on the local s