
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 22:50:37
1.It is imperative that top management be openly committed to ethical behavior, and that they communicate this commitment through their own personal actions as well through company policies, directives, and punishment/reward systems.
2.In 1988 employees of several prominent Wall Street investment banking houses were sentenced to prison terms for illegally using insider information on proposed mergers for their own personal gain, and E.F. Hutton, the stock brokerage firm, lost its independence through a forced merger after it was convicted of cheating its banks out millions of dollars in a checking kiting scheme.
3.Drexel Burnham Lambert recently agreed to a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for alleged securities-law violations in connection with the operations of its junk bond department.
4.In less developed countries, it is very difficult to determine which industries are the infants capable of achieving economic maturity and therefore deserving pr

1. 高级管理层必须公开承诺遵守有道德的行为,并通过自己的个人行为以及公司政策、指令和赏罚制度贯彻这一承诺。
2. 1988年,华尔街几家著名投行的员工被判入狱,原因是非法利用与拟议合并交易有关的内线消息,为个人谋利;而股票经纪公司E.F. Hutton则因开具空头支票,骗取银行数百万美元而获罪,被迫与其它公司合并,从而丧失独立性。
3. 近日,就其垃圾债券部被指违反证券法一案,Drexel Burnham Lambert同意与证交会达成和解。
4. 在不发达国家,很难判断哪些行业能够由弱变强,走向成熟,成为值得保护的行业。
5. 银行之所以建立信用制度,原因是他们利用存款放贷,借出的贷款一般用于购买商品或服务,或用于清算债务,并通过银行转帐或支票(而非钞票或硬币)将贷款过户到另一家银行的帐户,再由另一家银行放款给其他借款人,然后依此类推。
7. 判断一家公司是否注重商业道德,其方法是看该公司及其员工是否愿意遵守相关法律法规,包括与产品安全与质量、公平就业政策、公平营销与销售策略、利用保密信息谋取个人私利、参与社区事务、贿赂、向外国政府提供非法报酬以换取业务等方面有关的法律法规。
8. 为国内新兴公司提供暂时保护,使其免受外资公司带来的激烈竞争,有利于新兴行业发展,逐步成长为高效的生产商。
9. 在一些欧洲国家,历来存在着集存贷款业务、股票/债券交易及投资服务于一身的综合性银行。
10. 美国和英国管制放松,导致形成“金融超级市场”,出现了将以前由银行、股票经纪公司、保险公司等机构提供的服务集于一身的集团公司。
11. 范围更广的项目由跨职能团队处理,其成员来自组织的各个部门。
