far greater assistance than

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 05:22:07
whatever i may give them occasionally will be of far greater assistance than a yearly allowance,because they would only enlarge their style of living if they felt sure of a larger income.
请问“far greater assistance than a yearly allowance”的意思,按字面意思好像是一笔大钱,但是放在句子里面看,就觉得应该是一笔小钱,哎呀,这怎么理解啊。谢谢各位

这个就是说给人发钱(特别是一大笔钱)不要一次发(a yearly allowance)

而要多次发(give them occasionally )

这样比较有安全感 (felt sure of a larger income),会让人觉得will be of far greater assistance ,觉得对

比如说单位的工资 有些人愿意拿月薪而不是年薪 因感觉很踏实 每个月都有钱拿
