
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 21:24:56

I usually like reading books and browsing the internet.I am a cheerful man ,who caring about the people and things around me and getting along quite well with my friends and relatives. I'm considerate and lenient. I'm full of confidence in life.

I like reading books and surfing information on the Internet in normal times.And I'm a cheerful boy.I can care for the people and things around me.I'm also getting along well with my relatives and friends.I always can forgive and understand others.In addition,I have faith in the future.

My favorate past times (the same meaning as my hobby is)are reading and logging on to the web which mainly for searching some useful massage. Personally I think I'm an sunny and easy-going person ,and competent to care and help peaple arround
me,therefor ,I can aways creat a harmounious atmosphere with relatives and frends. I firmly believe that peaple should understand and forgive eachother.I 'm fully confident with