
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 00:50:06

China's accession to the WTO, in an increasingly competitive market, how fierce competition in the market development and expansion of enterprises, and cultural development is the key; advanced the building of enterprise culture is the lifeblood of enterprise development; advanced enterprise culture to enable enterprises to achieve open sharing of information , The free flow of corporate culture deciding the lifeblood of the development of space and development, business success and failure is the key.

在中国加入WTO后,市场竞争日益激烈,如何在激烈的市场竞争中发展壮大企业,文化建设是关键;先进的企业文化建设是企业发展的生命线;先进的企业文化能够使企业信息实现开放共享,自由流动;企业文化决定企业的发展空间及发展命脉,是企业成功与失败的关键所在。China's accession to the WTO, in an increasingly competitive market, how fierce competition in the market development and expansion of enterprises, and cultural development is the key; advanced the building of enterprise culture is the lifeblood of enterprise development; advanced enterprise culture to enable enterprises to achieve open sharing of in