meaning 在语言学中的符号意思 用英文 以小论文形式回答

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 03:36:33


the meanings of "meaning"

Herbert Simon has long been a leading advocate of a dominant role for symbol processing within artificial intelligence, going so far as to posit, in his and Alan Newell's "physical symbol system hypothesis," that being a physical symbol system is both a necessary and sufficient condition for being intelligent (cf. Newell and Simon, 1976). In his current paper Simon applies his perspective to the analysis of meaning in literature and, hence, to the proper methodology for literary criticism. In attempting to open a dialogue between the study of literature and the study of cognition I think Simon is wholly to be commended. Such a dialogue offers some promise of breaking down arbitrary institutional barriers to the conceptual enrichment of both endeavors. In contrast to Simon's noble aims and the potential significance of his efforts, all that I can offer at the moment are the minor virtues of the gadf