
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:06:04
1, Do not answer every preapproved credit card letters you receive(two or three cards are all you should need).
2,With typical financial charges ranging grom1 to 1.5 percenta month,youcan end up paying large finance charges.
3, If you will be one of the growing number of people who don't pay off their credit card transactionsin full each month,

1. 你没必要回复所有收到的未经核准的信用卡信函(有2到3个信用卡足矣).
2. 每月常用的财务支出的范围在1到1.5个百分点左右.你可以结束大额的财务支出.

2.一般的财务(主要指信用卡的利息)每个月会收你1%到1.5%, 你可不用付更高的利息.