
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 10:17:45
我听到了一首我认为非常好听的NBA歌曲,是个男的唱的,里面好象有I can feel....或者是 I can free..总之就是里面有和这两句英文发音很像的歌词;我想听的这首歌曲也是在NBA转播暂停的时候现场经常放的一首歌,大家也可以去http://www.nba.com/rockets/chinese/videoplayer_gb.html这个网站看一下,这是NBA官方网站05到06赛季的录象,大家看一下海德的录象,看完之后告诉我海德录象的背景音乐,也就是我要找的歌曲(我说的海德录象在第二页,大家点more就可以看到第二页的录象,(第二页竖着数第2个就是海德的录象),看完之后麻烦告诉我这个录象的背景音乐是什么??在哪里可以听到?麻烦大家了.我真的很想知道,很想听!谢谢!拜托了!求大家了!

Why Can't We Be Friends?(为什么大家不能交个朋友/和平共处?)
War乐队 1975
创作灵感来自一次乐队演出前的观众斗殴. 是War乐队第六张专辑的领衔歌曲. 我很喜欢! 歌词如下:

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

I seen you around for a long long time, ya
I really remembered you when you drink my wine

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown
I called you but you could not look around

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

I bring my money to the welfare line
I see you standing in it every time

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

I'd kinda like to be the President
So I can show you how your money's spent

Why can't we be friends(重复四遍)

Sometimes I don't speak right
But yet I know what I'm talking about

Why can&#