
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 03:02:34
在汉语中,也存在类似的禁忌区域.在宗教上人们善用一些颂词来称呼他们景仰的神灵,如大帝,大圣,佛陀(Buddha)等,而对恶魔则避之.在性方面,受佛家禁欲思想的影响,加上儒家对男女道德的强调,认为”万恶淫为首”.性和性事都带上了不洁的成份,忌讳颇深.汉语在人体排泻方面言谈也多有禁忌,如在用餐时都不提大小便.对死字的忌讳更甚.英语用if anything happen to me来避讳if I die.汉语也说”假如我有三长两短”来避讳死.孩子从小被教导不能说”死 ”字,就连”累死了”或”忙死了”之类的口头语,年纪大些的人听了也觉得不吉利.在中国,以前用”残废人”,现在用”残疾人”.”残废军人”现在用”残疾军人”,这都是对”废”字的忌讳.英汉语中对"富"也有所保留,He is well off,"他经济条件不错”,对”贫”也不说那么严重,They are down on their luck.现代社会崇尚健美,对老和胖也就越来越忌讳.所以从总体上看,中西方语言禁忌有相似的趋势.这种趋同性既向人们展示了人类文化具有共性的一面,也体现了相异文化具有互相影响,互相渗透的一面.

In the Chinese language, there are similar taboos region. Some people use religious ode to call them the respectful the gods, such as Malaysia, F, Buddha (Purnima), and is to avoid the evil. In sexual by the Buddhist abstinence and the effects on women and men with Confucian ethics emphasized that "Licentiousness, the greatest of all evils." Sex and sexual things onto the dirty elements, taboo emotion. Chinese language developed in the area of human platoon camp also made many taboos, such as meals, not to feces and urine. For the word taboo even death. English used if anything happen to me if I choose to die.
Chinese language is also said that "if I have anything" to avoid death. Children are taught from childhood not say "dead" characters, even the "dead" or "Mangsi" such speech mannerism, older people have more feel unlucky. In China, before the use of "disability", now use "people with disabilities". &quo