who have got desperate housewive season3.18

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 08:13:12

The morning after sleeping together, Edie and Carlos both make excuses to be on their way, since the sex was shockingly terrible. Travers asks Edie if she has trouble sleeping because he overheard Carlos saying she was bad in bed. Gabrielle still won't sleep with Victor, until she attends a rally where he's speaking. She suddenly finds him much more appealing when she sees the way all the other women there respond to him. She pulls him away for "an important meeting in his limo." She says she knows his positions, now he should get acquainted with hers, as she slips off her bra. She expects him to call that night but when he goes a whole 24 hours without calling, she complains to Susan. Edie shows up just in time to admire Gabrielle's hunky handyman, Toby, who's there to fix her closet. Susan asks how the sex was with Victor and she says, "Fantastic. As good as with Carlos," while Edie merely says, "Hmm. As good as that?" Edie advises Gab