“全民健康保障体系”用英文 怎么样翻译?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 19:07:50
“全民健康保障体系”用英文 怎么样翻译?

“全民健康保障”用英文 怎么样翻译?

“中国全民健康保障”用英文 怎么样翻译?


“全民健康保障体系”用英文 怎么样翻译?
The health security system of the whole nation

“全民健康保障”用英文 怎么样翻译?
The health security of the whole nation

“中国全民健康保障”用英文 怎么样翻译
The health security of the whole nation in China

The System of Nationwide Health Security

The Nationwide Health Security

The Nationwide Health Security of China

诶~其实保障这个词用security最好~因为社保就是social security这个词~中国的东西应该有中国特色~

全面健康保障体系~Comprehensive Health Security System~

全面健康保障~Comprehensive Health Security~

中国全面健康保障~Comprehensive Health Security in China~

另:comprehensive retirement security system 全面退休保障制度~ 呵呵可以根据这个引申哦~

The Nationwide Health Security System.