
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 19:32:40
亨利·诺尔曼·白求恩(Dr. Henry Norman Bethune)是加拿大共产党党员、国际著名的外科医生。为了帮助中国人民的抗日斗争,于1938年初不远万里,突破重重阻挠,来到延安 ,同年6月进入晋察冀抗日根据地, 带领流动医疗队活跃在山西、河北两省。他总是不顾危险,亲临前线,就地施行医疗手术,从而大大减少了伤病员的死亡,挽救了许多战士的生命 。同时,他还帮助方兆元等八路军医 护人员提高医疗水平,为部队培养了 一批合格的医护工作者。他对工作极端的负责任,对同志对人民极端的热忱,从而赢得了根据地的干部、战士和老乡的尊敬和爱戴。在共同的战斗中,白求恩也对八路军和根据地有了更加深刻的认识。在一次手术中,他的手指不慎被割破而遭感染,抢救无效,不幸逝世。他的形象永远活在人民心中。

Dr. Henry Norman Bethune, a Canadian communist party member and an international renowned surgeon, came to Yan'an in early 1938 with the purpose of helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War, defying the distance of tens of thousands of miles and obstructions. He went to the revolutionary base areas in Jinchaji (Shansi-Chahar-Hopei) in June and actively played his role in the two provinces of Shanxi and Hebei with his mobile medical team. In complete contempt of danger, he always hurry to the front and performed surgery right on the spot, which effectively reduced the death toll caused by wound and saved many soliders’ lives. Meanwhile, he helped Fang Zhaoyuan and other Eighth Route Army medical staff to improve their medical level and trained a crop of qualified medical staff for the Army. He won the respect and love of officers and men and also local residents for his extreme responsibility for his work and great love for soliers and Chi