
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 10:17:43
就是所谓的mass communication.最好能找到这个专业的排名..我一直搜不到哈~
我听说mass communication 学出来以后可以做广告,品牌营销之类的行业~~那么就是应该不局限于新闻记者之类的吧?
很多大学里,比如北卡,mass communication只开硕士以上的,本科并没有啊。。

不局限 传媒是一个很宽泛的概念 你提到的那些都算
美国大多数学校本科都没有mass conmunication,以libral arts为主,本科学历史 经济 政治 什么的都可以当记者,他们认为这才是真正的学问 大部分学校新闻学院都只有研究生,算是一种职业教育 就是在经过本科各种专业的学术训练以后进行学习 比如你本科学的是经济学 在上新闻学院 这样的人报道财经方面的新闻肯定更有优势 包括西北传媒本科也要修大量的其他专业的选修课及人文核心课程 About communication schools. there are some most famous communication and mass media program in U.S., columbia, NYU,USC is top ones for practical training. In pure academia, Michigan state, northwest, is among the top of my mind, because there are so many theories and theories leaders coming from these two schools. there are also some excellent PHD programs like in Indiana, penn state, U of missouri. because each school has their strengths and focus, so you need to make sure which area you are interested in and find the program that fits you well
Hi hicks!

Well, here's your lists ---

Obviously ranking depends on who you ask, but it seems no matter who
does the ranking, the following schools consistently rate the top