
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 06:44:25
When he broke the world record in Lausanne two years ago, there was a 20-minute item on the national newsIn public,he is mobbed wherever he goes and he has been forced to drive around in a car with darkened windows to escape the persistent attention of obsessive fans. When a competitor was chosen to run the first leg of the torch relayat Tiananmen Square in Beijing in March, there was only one possible candidate。

2年前,当他在洛桑打破了世界纪录后,国家新闻对此做了长达20分钟的专题报道. 无论到哪他都被人们团团围住.为了躲避这些固执的FANS的无休止的关注,他不得不乘一辆黑色车窗的汽车出去.当要求一个运动员作为三月份的北京天安门广场上的火炬传递跑第一棒时, 他就是这个独一无二的人选.

