
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:18:02
The plush lobby of Beijing’s Kerry Center Hotel is usually crowded with foreign guests, many of them listening to jazz and sipping martinis in Centro, the hotel’s fashionable bar, or lining up for taxis after dinner at the Horizon restaurant.

这里的动词 listening sipping lining up为什么要加ING?请详细点解释下

because the original sentence is "many of them who listen to Jazz and sip martinis in Centro, the hotel's fashionable bar, or line up for taxis after dinner at the Horizon restaurant.

因为你这段文字里有了一个BE动词,也就是一开始的is , 而且你“many of them ”前面没有"and",所以说是"BE动词共用",乍一看是错误的,其实是有动词的,只是在前面而已。
