
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 15:57:53
你的照片 每天 我都会看上很多遍
我一直有个心愿 就是希望你能告诉我你家地具体位置 哪怕是知道在哪条巷也好
虽然你地地址我很清楚 但是我怎么也找不到

I gaze on your photos over and over again everday.
I have a cherish that you could tell me your exact address. Just which alley is OK.
Although your address I bear clearly in my mind, but I still can't find it.

Every day I look at your photo for many times.

I have a wish that is, to tell me where your home is, even just tell me which lane is.

Though your address is clear, I cannot find it.

I wander off your photoes every day and night,

I aways want to you would told me your house address,even if a laneway,which would be fine.

Thongh I knew your family adress, I can't find it ...

Every day I look at your photo for many times.
I have a wish that you could tell me your address in detail,even if it is a roadway.
Though your address is clear,I cannot find it anyway.

I watch your photos many times each day.
I have a long-cherished dream that is to know what your exact address, if not,