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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 13:27:10

除了来自美国本土的众多大学生和高中生,这里也开始有越来越多的亚洲面孔。从前都说来这里读summer school的亚洲人不是港大的就是LSE的,果不其然,但从内地顶尖大学直接过来的学生也越来越多,不乏北大清华浙大复旦的高考佼佼者。
在这里结交了很多终生的朋友,更可以说是志同道合的朋友。尽管summer school没有门槛,但连教授们都向我们表达他们眼中summer school的学生甚至比哈佛的本校生更优秀。我想正是打破了门第障碍,才使得全世界志存高远的学子都得以来此学习,只为了学习,竞争的氛围更甚于平时。

Making new friends

Apart from many university students and college students of the USA, there are more and more Asian faces appearing on campus. People say that the Asian who came to this summer school are either from Hong Kong University or LSE. Well it is true. But nowadays there are a growing number of students from the top universities in Mainland China as well, including the students from universities such as Tsinghua, Zhe Jiang Univeristy and Fu Dan university who have done excellently in the annual examination for university access.

I have made a lot of life-long friends here, friends who share the same interests and pursuits. Although there is no threshold to the summer school, our professors have expressed to us that, in the way they see us, we are even better than students from Harvard University. I think just because they have eliminated the limitation on the school access that students with high goals in life all over the world come here to study.