
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:45:58
DAY01 从厦门高绮国际机场乘飞机赴澳大利亚悉尼。
DAY02 抵达悉尼,同学来接机,并带我前往酒店
DAY03 参观同学所在大学 新南威尔士大学
DAY04 游览悉尼歌剧院、皇家植物园*、麦觉里夫人角
DAY05 游览悉尼大桥、水族馆,情人港 ,船游悉尼港
DAY06 前往民人的邦迪海滩
DAY07 前往悉尼2000年奥林匹克村参观
DAY08 乘车前往野生动物园参观DAY09 与同学和朋友聚会,了解当地风土人情
DAY10 乘车前往著名经典蓝山游玩
DAY11 前往澳大利亚首都堪培拉,游览大使馆区,国会大厦
DAY12 堪培拉市区观光
DAY13 参观战争纪念馆,皇家铸币厂,格里芬人工湖,库克船长纪念喷泉
DAY14 乘机前往墨尔本,墨尔本市区观光
DAY15 乘车前往菲律普岛看企鹅归巢
DAY16 参观维多利亚国家艺术中心,皇家植物园,菲兹洛伊花园
DAY17 赴亚拉河谷,沿途游览景色宜人的丹顿农山脉;抵达亚拉河谷,参观澳大利亚最古老的蒸汽火车站
DAY18 返回悉尼,休息一天
DAY19 跟同学到悉尼市区观光
DAY22 再次与同学聚会
DAY21 乘机返回厦门

Australia travel itinerary

DAY01 high-chi from Xiamen International Airport by plane to Sydney, Australia.

DAY02 arrived in Sydney, the students to pick-up and took me to the hotel

DAY03 visited the students of the University of New South Wales University

DAY04 visit the Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens *, Macquarie's Point

DAY05 Tour Sydney Harbour Bridge, the aquarium, Valentine's Hong Kong, the ship visit Sydney Harbour

DAY06 to the people of Bondi Beach

DAY07 to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Village to visit

DAY08 wild ride to visit the zoo with classmates and friends DAY09 gathering, understanding of local customs

DAY10 ride to the famous Blue Mountains play classic

DAY11 to the Australian capital, Canberra, Tour Embassy, Capitol

DAY12 Canberra City Tours

DAY13 visit the War Memorial, the Royal Mint, Griffin artif