
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 18:02:02

盛夏的晴空是灿烂的,天是那样的蓝,日光是那样的强烈,天上地下处于一片耀眼的光明之中。我平日就十分喜欢在空闲时养花养草。自养植物以来,渐渐着迷,植物是有生命的东西,青枝绿叶,生机勃勃,在四季的更替中吟唱着生命的歌。 今年暑假我更是腾出时间好好栽培,种了很多满天星(Gypsophila paniculata),希望世上所有的人都能喜欢上种植,也希望满天星明年春季能开花。

The clear sky is a brilliant summer, the days are so blue, the sunlight is so strong, the sky in a dazzling ground floor of the bright. I very much like the usual idle plant flowers in the garden in custody grass. Self-support plants, gradually fascinated, plant is a living thing, Green sticks of green leaves, China, the change in seasons in singing the song of life. This summer I am more free time is a good cultivation, a lot of Gypsophila paniculata (Gypsophila paniculata), the world hope that all people can be like planting, I hope Gypsophila paniculata next spring to bloom.