
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 08:31:01

on site


现场: scene (FE)

Relative explainations:
<locality> <locale> <scene of action> <on-site> <jobsite> <field engineering> <job site> <ad loco> <site> <spot> <location>

1. 闪电的亮光照亮了现场。
Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene.
2. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.
3. 抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。
Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
4. 证人是一名在现场的记者。
The witness is an on-the-spot reporter.
5. 那事故发生后不久记者就都赶到了现场。
Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident.
6. 群众迅速聚集在出事现场.
A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
7. 有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开.
She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.
8. 救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场.
An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident.

在(表演)现场,从(表演)现场,实况地。 The trial wa