满意50分,一般10分Read and write小学英语人教版怎么教?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 14:38:24
每次上到read and write 的时候,我就觉得课堂太枯燥,没有创意,想问问高手,有没有比较好的模式来上这样的课?谢谢了

1Acivate students' prior knowledge or talk about their experiences.首先你要针对要阅读的文章内容,跟学生谈他们熟悉的东西或是他们经历过的事.比方说你想让学生看一篇关于一件伤心的事的文章,你可以花五分钟时间,问学生,"Tell me something that makes you sad.What do you do when you feel sad? How does it make you feel better if you feel sad?你可以把学生的回答写在黑板上或是一张纸上.
6.讨论.(Tell me something about this story. What's your favorite part? How would you feel if you were...?
a. I feel sad when...
b. When I feel sad, I...
c. When I feel sad, it helps if I...

这样写起文章,小朋友觉得有东西可写.因为要写的东西是他们熟悉的.另外,鼓励学生拼写生词."我不会这个单词,不会那个单词..."你可说"这个单词是这样读的,/s/ /a/ /d/,你读给学生听,让他们自己拼.(You sound it out for them first, then let them spell it. later on let the children sound out new words.This helps them a lot in writing.)

Good luck to you!

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