
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 01:37:09

1.早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈. (此项由体育委员负责执行).

2. .课间操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈.(此项由体育委员负责执行).

3.早锻炼跑步时要保持队伍整齐,跑步不认真,排队列不整齐的同学再罚跑两圈,中途偷懒少跑的同学罚跑3圈. (此项由体育委员负责执行).

4.两操时有病有事必须向班主任或班长请假,没有请假做旷操处理,罚跑足球场5圈,并写500字犯错误认识书.( 此项由班长负责执行)

5.无故不出操者,罚跑足球场5圈,并写500字犯错误认识书. (此项由体育委员负责执行).

6.集会,升旗等活动的队列由班长负责整理,不按要求排队,迟到,中途早退,嘈话等违纪行为罚跑足球场两圈. ( 此项由班长负责执行).

7.体育课必须穿着运动鞋,不按要求穿着的罚跑足球场5圈,并写300字认识书. (此项由体育委员负责执行).

1. Late morning exercise (to stop a march later), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

2.. school's facilities late ( Marche to stop whichever is the greater), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

3. Morning Exercises when running to maintain orderly, runnin