
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 11:03:29

What ports does FTP traffic travel over?
What ports does mail traffic utilize?
What ports do HTTP and HTTPS use?
Why is NTP required in an NFS network?

Name some common mal software on the server side
What is CPAN? How do you access it?
What is PEAR?
What advantages does mod_perl have over a perl CGI?
What is required to do SSL in Apache 1.x?
What is Tcl?
What is a servlet engine/container?
What is BIND?
Name the steps to setup a slave zone in BIND
Name the steps to setup a primary zone in BIND
What commands would you use under Solaris or Linux to modify/view an LDAP tree?
User are complaining of delays when using the network. What would you do?
What are some of the problems associated with operating a switched LAN?
Name some of the ways of combining TCP/IP traffic and SNA traffic over the same link.

What ports does FTP traffic travel over?
What ports does mail traffic utilize?
smtp 25,pop3 110.
What ports do HTTP and HTTPS use?
What is CPAN? How do you access it?
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)是专门为扩充perl模块而设立的。在这个大数据仓库中,成百条有用资源供我们免费使用。由于CPAN为Perl提供了搜索工具,所以上面提到的那些资源,除了作为整体驱动外,还非常易于被我们搜索和使用。下面你将了解到一些有关这些工具及其在Perl文本中怎样应用CPAN模块的一些知识。


Perl 二进制分布用CPAN打包。并且把所打的包连接到离CPAN最近的目录中,以便下载,编译,安装CPAN模块。在UNIX或Windows命令提示符下,输入下面的文字:

perl –MCPAN –e shell

这样你将进入CPAN交互模式,在这种模式下,你可以通过发出请求来自动安装和更新数据模块。通过在提示符cpan>prompt 后面输入h,你便可以得到一列常用的命令清单。如果这是你第一次用CPAN.pm,可能会出现这样的提示:使用配置向导和自动检测。当然了,两种选择其一,其结果都可以使之正常工作。
What is PEAR?

为了创建一个类似于Perl CPAN档案的工具,Stig S. Bakken创立了PEAR项目。PEAR的基本目标是发展成为PHP扩展和库代码的知识库,而这个项目最有雄心的目标则是试图定义一种标准,这种标准将帮助开发者编写可移植、可重用的代码。

