
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 09:04:02
80年代初,由于世界经济出现衰退,香港主要贸易对手大多采取更严厉的保护主义措施,国际市场上的出口竞争也更加激烈,因此香港出口困难又大大增加,制造业出口额和就业率都下降了。1981年房地产业市场不景气,金融业压力沉重。加上部分香港人对前途信心不足,投资缓弱。中英联合声明公布后,香港前途转趋明朗。在中国坚持改革开放政策以及同大陆经贸联系进一步加强的有利形势下,香港又开创了经济新局面。首先,经济多元化更见成熟。金融、旅游等业发展到更高的水平。转口贸易重又兴盛,到1988年已超过港产品出口,占出口总值的56%。制造业大量北移到珠江三角洲,香港制造业在大陆雇用人数超出其在本地雇工数1倍以上。内地的低廉生产成本再次提高了香港工业的国际竞争力。其次,经济进一步走向国际化。各个主要行业提供的国际性服务愈来愈多,国际资本对香港越来越重视,美、日等国的跨国公司进入香港与日俱增,同时香港财团也大量投资海外。再次,工业转型经过长期酝酿后也于80 年代中期开始起步。从设立科技发展委员会、筹建科技大学等措施来看,香港政府对发展科技与工业转型的态度也转趋积极。

In the early 1980s, due to world economic recession, Hong Kong's major trade rivals are more stringent protectionist measures on the international market of export competitiveness has become more intense, difficult and Hong Kong's exports has increased significantly, manufacturing exports and employment rate has fallen The. 1981 real estate market downturn, the financial sector under immense pressure. With some Hong Kong people lack confidence in the future, investment ease the weak. Sino-British Joint Declaration after the announcement, Hong Kong's future became apparent. In China adheres to reform and opening up policy and economic and trade ties with the mainland to further strengthen the favorable situation, the Hong Kong economy has created a new situation. First, diversification of the economy more mature. Financial services, tourism and other industries to a higher level. Re-re-export trade also flourished, to have more than 1988 domestic exports, accounting for 5