
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 09:46:42

1、 必须服从管理人员安排进场,讲究卫生,不准乱扔杂物。

2、 必须穿着专用球鞋、运动服装进场活动,严禁穿着皮鞋、高跟鞋、硬底鞋进场。
3、 场内严禁吸烟、吃口香胶、请勿携带甜性饮品进场。
4、 严禁压靠球网、不得用球拍击打地面。
5、 严禁随意摆弄场内电器开关。



1, must be subject to management arrangements for the venue, stress health, not allowed to throw debris. 2, must wear special shoes, sports apparel approach, no wearing shoes, high heels, hard-Dixie approach. 3, at the no-smoking, eating mouth-gum, do not bring beverages and sweet approach. 4, no pressure on the net, should not use the racket hitting the ground. 5, is prohibited at the venue playing with electrical switches.