
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 10:34:57
Access to education has improved substantially in the last 20years.The regional adult literacy rate,a key indicater of human development has risen from 61 to 73 percent since 1980 but female literacy rates overall are still only half the rate for males.In absolute terms the number of illiterates in the region has
increased from 647 million to 651 million,and the number of female illiterates from 410 to 422 million.illiterates,particularly female illiterates,are heavily concentrated in South Asia.Despite its proogress the Asia-Pacific still accounts for almost three-fourths of the world’s illiterates-and it is the illiterates who are poor.


“未受教育者”可以翻译为“文盲”,就看你自己的风格,还有些专业术语可能不太准确,比如“受教育率 ”,可自己斟酌修改