
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 21:08:56
1.She was just falling_____when the telephone rang.(sheep,asheep)
2.Do these exercises_____.(careful,carefully)
3.I saw_____sitting in the garden.(she ,her)
4.She did the homework as_____as the monitor.(good well)
5.Study hard on English and you'll fing it very_____.(use,useful)6.What a_____day!let's go out for a walk.(sun ,sunny)
7.How_____you are!(luck,lucky)
8.Mr.liu is one of the most popular_____in this school.(teach,teachers)
9.I thanked her very much for_____me so well.(teach ,teaching)
10.What about_____to the Summmer Palace this Sunday?(go ,going)
11.That old man lives in a tall_____in the center of London.(build ,building)
12.Can you tell me the_____of this sentence?(mean ,meaning)
13.This is his desk and that is_____.(I ,mine)
14.Who is going to give_____a talk next Tuesday afternoon?(us ,we)
15.Our teacher is talking to_____.(they ,them)
16.He built two language labs_____.(him ,himself)





1.She was just falling_____when the telephone rang.(asheep)
sleep是一个动词 asleep是一个副词 一个句子里面只能有一个动词 这个句子里面是was了 也就是be动词 所以不能再有动词了.

2.Do these exercises_____.(carefully)
有LY的一般都是副词 例外是LOVELY 有LY但是是形容词 没有LY的一般都是形容词例外是LUCKY 副词用来修饰动词 就像中文里面跳得高 这个高就是修饰跳的副词 这里carefully是修饰do的.这是一个祈始句.

3.I saw_____sitting in the garden.(her)
I对me you不变 she对her he对him they对them it不变 we对us
我看见他 I saw him
他看见我 He saw me

4.She did the homework as_____as the monitor.(good)

5.Study hard on English and you'll find it very_____.(useful)
find it 后面加形容词是固定搭配

6.What a_____day!let's go out for a walk.(sunny)
what a 和how开头的感叹句 后面一般情况下都要用形容词

7.How_____you are!(lucky)

8.Mr.liu is one of the most popular_____in this school.(teachers)