帮忙翻译几句句子.. 急!!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 11:20:26
与其说这本书是一本字典,不如说是一本语法书(MORE^^^THAN )
他给我的帮助之大是你想象不到的(MORE THAN)
我不赞同现在女孩子们减肥的方式,因为那样对健康不好(THE WAY)
老师应当鼓励学生在课堂上表达自己的想法(ENCOURAGE : EXPRESS ONESELF)

We usually use telephone and email to communicate with the people all over the world.

He tried to communicate his point of view in his report.

The book is much more like a grammar book than a dictionary.

I cannot agree with the way girls losing their weight nowadays, as it's harmful to their health.

Teachers should encourage the students to express themselves in the class.

We usually by phone and e-mail and people around the world contact. (COMMUNICATE)
His common sense in his report to express his point of view (COMMUNICATE)
This book is not so much a dictionary, that is not a grammar book (MORE ^ ^ ^ THAN)
He gave me a big help you never imagined (MORE THAN)
Now I do not agree with the way girls diet because of health as well (THE WAY)
Teachers should encourage students in the classroom to express their ideas (ENCOURAGE: EXPRESS ONESELF)