
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 20:20:41

1The spokesperson indicated explicitly that president will not cancel this travel in any situation;
2.Afterward occurs these events had proven once more my suspicion is to;
3I thought that we should encourage the middle-school student to look for the temp job in the summer vacation
4The minority worker obtains the promotion, at the same time several hundred workers are dismissed actually;
5Several hours later, some people see that boy to move from side to side to no purpose in the grove.

The spokesman makes clear that President expression , can not
cancel current take a trip under any situation all;
2: That those events happening subsequently have testified my harbour
suspicions once again is a pair;
3: I think that we ought to encourage a middle school student to look for the provisional job in summer holidays;
4: Few workers are advanced , hundred
workers are fired meanwhile but not many; 5: Hereafter,