
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 22:39:35
My room is a cozy room. There is a big wood bed in my room. There is a bedside cupboard next to the bed. There is a clock and several photos on the bedside cupboard. There is a pop singer poster above the bedside cupboard and a wardrobe beside it. In my room, here is a pink rug on the floor. Opposite the bed, there is a little green bookcase. A lot of funny story books in the bookcase. There is a bright lamp on front of the bookcase. There is a wood dressing table. There is a painting of flowers above the dressing table. There is a desk between the bookcase and the dressing table. There is a computer and some cote books on the desk and a wastebasket under the desk. Beside the bookcase, there is an old little cabinet next to the bookcase. There is a blue case on the cabinet and cone yellow flowers in the case. There is shelf above the cabinet. There is a radio on the shelf. I love my cozy room.请帮我看看我的文法对不对!!
我想问有没其他的词可代替”there is”
因为我也觉得文章不停的话”there is”

不仅仅是文法不对,标点符号也不对,全是There is, 是在造句,不是写作文,全无文法。只能从写了。
cozy是舒适的意思,可以用其他几个舒适相同的单词!There is也是如此,有些句子可以用which、that is来链接上下文。
beside还有很多其他的意思, 这里最好不要用!真的要说旁边的话就用aside吧。
There is a blue case on the cabinet and cone yellow flowers in the case.a blue case是什么啊?黄色球形的花在一个case里?

天哪。。。都是there be句型?!
There is a big wood bed in my room可以改为In my room is a big wood bed.

wood - wooden
a bedside cupboard - an endtable
bedside cupboard - endtable
wardrobe - closet/dresser
here is - there is
A lot of funny story books in the bookcase - There are a lot of funny story books on the bookcase.
wood - wooden
cote books???
Beside the bookcase, there is an old little cabinet next to the bookcase - 重复了, 去掉前面
cone yellow flowers ????
shelp - a shelf
above - on top of / over

wood应为wooden 后者才是形容词
描述台灯那一句on front of 应为in front of
wood dressing table 应为 wooden dressing table
