
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 14:37:34

我国旅游业的国际市场竞争力,总体上可从三个方面概括其发展程度和水平:一是与旅游发达国家相比,我国在发展水平和竞争力上还有相当大的差距,表现为旅游业对国民经济和社会发展的贡献率还不够高,旅游企业的国际化经营仍处在较低水平; 二 是与发展中国家相比,我国在旅游经济产出总量、基础设施建设和对外开放等方面有明显的优势,基本上是一个对外开放的、快速发展的旅游大国形象,被一致认为具有巨大的发展潜力;三是与我国的其它服务行业相比,旅游业在国内外市场一体化中具有明显的优势,对外开放程度高、运营机制比较市场化,是现实服务贸易创汇的大户,这是对外开放的有关敏感行业所不具备的竞争优势。我国旅游服务贸易的上述发展状况,一定程度上将影响在与国际先进水平接轨进程中的发展和走势。

China's international tourism competitiveness of the overall level of

After the mid-1990s, China's inbound tourism's total economic output has entered the ranks of the world's largest tourism and improve year by year show the trend of domestic tourism also to the world's largest market is developing rapidly, especially after the 21st century, with the holiday travel The rapidly rising, more show increasingly broad prospects for development. However, compared to developed countries and the World Tourism, China's tourism market competitiveness is still not enough, some signs competitiveness and level of development indicators are still weak, reflecting the current stage of China's tourism industry scale and efficiency of the asymmetry, It is also our power and the World Tourism is the main gap.

China's tourism competitiveness in the international market, on the whole can be summed up in three aspects of its extent and level of de