
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:29:43

层次分析法 The analytic hierarchy process


在素质教育时代,文化成绩不再是评判一个学生优秀与否的唯一标准。In the era of quality education, culture result no longer is the sole criteria for judging whether a student is exellent or not. 但是,如何将学生各方面的素质做一个定量、有效的评价,却是一个困扰了教育工作者多年的问题。However, how to make a quantitative and effective evaluation on the quality of the students in various aspects has been a problem that has vexed educators for many years.本文通过引入层次分析法,定量分析了学生综合素质的各个层面,有助于教育工作者快速、准确地评价一个学生的综合素质。 Through the introduction of AHP(the analytic hierarchy process),this paper quantitatively analyses the various levels of the comprehensive quality of students, thereby facilitating educators to quickly and accurately evaluate a student's comprehensive quality. 并且,这种方法也适用于其他领域人员的评价。
Furthermore, this approach is also applicable to the evaluation of other areas of personnel.

Although test sheet is no longer the only way to evaluate a student in quality educati