
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 06:24:28
1.The supplier invites the customer to dinner.

2.The assistant offers to phone customers to find out their opinions on a new product.



1. 这个供货商邀请顾客共进晚餐.
2. 助理提出他来给顾客打电话以了解他们对新产品的看法.
A: Hello, It is me, Jane. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
B: Oh, that would be nice. Thanks a lot.
A: When will you be free?
B: It is hard to say. Probably around 6:30.
A: What do you think of Japanese food?
B: That is lovely.
A: Then let us have Japanese food for dinner. And i will pick you up at 6:50 in your office.
B: OK. see you then.

A: I think we should know what the customers' opinions on our new products.
B: What shall we do then?
A: i can phone them one by one, and talk to them. What do you think?
B: It takes a lot of time.
A: i think i can do it.
B:OK. then just do it.

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