
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 04:01:27
As was the discovery that none of the people listed as authors had ever written a word.One, when shown a copy whth her name as lead author,said she'd never seen the book before;others had panned the contents as manuscript reviewers,and all had degeees in biology, not physics.Publishers say that developing a textbook involves dozens of pelple who "review"a manuscript and the chatrs,graphs,maps,and equations it contains,but the hubisz evalustion suggests that professional writers,not physicists,rpoduce much of the text.

调查发现,列在作者名单上的人没有一个曾经写过一个字。其中一人在看到她的名字被列为第一作者时,说她以前从未见过这本书。其他的则作为审稿人浏览过书的内容,而所有这些人都没有物理学学位,只有生物学学位。出版社说开发一本课本需要十几个人参予“审核”原稿及其包含的图表、图形和公式,但hubisz evalustion(可能是人名)却暗示说这本书的大部分内容是由专业写手而非物理学家写的。

