there 是有的意思对吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 01:16:25

there 1
/ ðeə(r); ðɛr/ adv
(a) in, at or to that place 在那里; 往那里: We shall soon be there. 我们很快就到那里. * We are nearly there, ie have nearly arrived. 我们快到了. * If John sits here, Mary can sit there. 约翰要是坐在这儿, 玛丽可以坐在那儿. * We liked the hotel so much that we're going there again this year. 我们很喜欢那个旅馆, 所以今年还要住在那里. (b) (used after a prep 用於介词之后) that place or thing 那里; 那个: Put the keys under there. 把钥匙放在那下面. * They fit in there. 他们在那里很合适. * Go to the church and ask again it's near there. 先去教堂再问一下--就在那儿附近. Cf 参看 here.
at or with reference to that point (in a story, a series of actions, an argument, etc) (在叙述、 行动、 辩论等中)在那一点上, 关於那一点: Don't stop there. What did you do then? 别说到那儿就不说了. 后来你怎麽办了? * There I have to disagree with you, I'm afraid. 很抱歉, 在那一点上我不能同意你的意见.
(used for emphasis before some vs, eg go, stand, lie, to show the location of sb/sth, with the subject following the v if it is not a pron 用於某些动词如go、 stand、 lie之前, 以加强语气, 表示某人[某