
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 16:30:38
Owen Wister recorded that "it won't be a century before the West is simply the true America, with thought, type, and life of its own," and he wanted "to be the hand that once, for all, chronicled and laid bare the vitures and the vices of theis extraordinary phase of American social progress." He never became that self-envisioned Tolstoy of the Old West.

Owen Wister 记录着: 让西方简单的被当作是一个拥有自己的思想,类型,和生活的真实的美国并不需要一个世纪;他希望:

欧文威斯特记录说, “它不会是一个世纪之前,西方国家仅仅是真正的美国,与思想,类型和生活的自己, ”他希望“是一方面,有一次为所有,记载和规定裸露的vitures和罪恶的泰斯extraordina