
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 14:01:50
You can speak only after you have done some____.
A.researches B.works C.job D.writings

_______does she teach us English,_______she works as a head teacher.(一格不限填一词)


you can speak only after you have done some researches.
原因是:这个句子的意思是只有你做了研究或调查,你才有发言权。work 加s即works 的中文意思是艺术品,job是可数名词,writing 不可数名词。
Not only dose she teach us English, but also she works as a head teacher.里是用了not only ... but also 的倒装用法。

Not only but also

第一题 a 译 在你做过调查后才有权发言
第二题not only,but also或者not only ,but

1.选择B. 不可数嘛。D应该去掉S
2.Not only ..... but also... 固定用法..