
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 21:18:30
Johan Alnetti has only just discovered that the €20 million loan that was negotiated at the end of 2007 has loan covenants stating that no further loan finance can be taken on at all within a 2 year period from December 2007.

covenant - 协议,契约

Johan Alnetti 刚刚才发现,在2007年底磋商后借的€20 million 的款项,有贷款契约说明在从2007年12月开始的两年内,不准再有其它的借贷

Johan Alnetti才发现2007年底他们商议好的那笔两亿欧元贷款是有贷款契约(或者译为:贷款合约、承诺条款、)的,其中包括从2007年12月开始的两年内,根本不能再提供给他们贷款。

注:Johan Alnetti has only just discovered 是主句,

that the €20 million loan that was negotiated at the end of 2007 has loan covenants stating that no further loan finance can be taken on at all within a 2 year period from December 2007.

那个很长的宾语从句中,that was negotiated at the end of 2007 又是个定语从句,修饰the €20 million loan,

stating that no further loan finance can be taken on at all within a 2 year period from December 2007是covenants的同位语,说明契约的内容。
